Wild Flower Sangha retreats and one-day practice sessions
led by Amy Hollowell Sensei:
31 Oct.
14-15 Nov.
13-14 Feb.
26-27 June
15-18 April
20-27 August
27 Nov.-1 Dec.
17-21 March
25 July-1 Aug.
Introduction to Zen in Paris Oct. 28, 19h30-21h30, and other dates by appointment.
Méditation en semaine à Paris/weekly meditation in Paris
Lundi/Monday, 20h-22h, 4 passage Courtois, 75011 Paris (Métro Charonne)
Vendredi/Friday, 19h30-21h, Red Earth Centre, 235 rue Lafayette, 75010 Paris (Métro Jaurès, Gare du Nord)
For day, weekend and weeklong retreats, registration is required.
Infos/inscriptions: zenscribe@free.fr
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