First day back at work after much time away, and particularly after the lovely week of retreat in Belgium at the Château de Frandeux.
It was a deep, wide, rich practice with a group of 108 participants…
Now so many things to say…
…but, as I said there one morning, the lake swallowed my words.
I tried inserting a picture here of my window, my desk, the lake, the trees, the sun and clouds, but it was too big (the computer said)! Of course! Words and a box on a screen could never contain it!
Anyway, I loved settling into the world there moment to moment, a universe of faces. I loved meeting the world there moment to moment, a universe in every face.
Many bows to all who shared the week with me, wherever you are/were.
many bows to you too.
endless-colza-field in the evening changing colour minute by minute -to dark- dark waving sea
bird crying far away
touch of air
impossible descisions to take –
glad to read you again. love
always here, even when i am not