Archives mensuelles : avril 2008

avril 2008

Familiar Twists of Strange Branches

Par |2015-10-02T20:10:17+01:00avril 20th, 2008|Textes|

Often in the afternoon, I turn from the Boulevard Raspail onto the Rue Emile Richard, which on each side is lined by parked cars and the stone walls of the Montparnasse cemetery. It is a straight street, and narrow, and on clear days it is bathed in the setting sun. Motor traffic runs only south, [...]

When the server serves

Par |2017-04-04T06:58:22+01:00avril 15th, 2008|Textes|

Please forgive zenscribe's unforeseen absence in the blogosphere: The server was serving. Which serves as a flagrant example of what is so often forgotten or overlooked: The constant disappearance of all I know. There is the sudden hail of hail and then the sudden not-hail of hail, the no-more of hail. Now is the hail [...]

One day replete/Une journée pleine

Par |2015-10-02T20:11:00+01:00avril 10th, 2008|Textes|

The whole day of words is wordless. I rest. To be quick, I must be quiet. Phone calls are answered. A friend offers tea. The stairs lead up and down, but one by one, nowhere. Thus I go. *** A monk asked Ummon, "What is speech that transcends the buddhas and goes beyond the patriarchs?" [...]

Die to live/mourrir pour vivre

Par |2015-10-02T20:11:18+01:00avril 7th, 2008|Textes|

Yesterday in sitting I see it: My thoughts wander, and "I" follows, running in aimless circles along trails that just double back onto themselves. This is going nowhere, blindly, incessantly yearning to come and arrive. Then for a half-second "I" turns to find in a still clearing the silent face of death looking back, unmasked, [...]

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