Archives mensuelles : mai 2009

mai 2009

Retreat notes (III)

Par |2015-10-02T14:17:23+01:00mai 24th, 2009|Textes|

We just sit together. It starts like incense smoke, a fine strand rising straight, direct, unmoving. Without warning it suddenly disperses, broken and scattered in a thousand directions, wildly, freely disappearing into the splendid chaos of what is, unseen, ungraspable, unknown. Then the bell struck twice means it's time to rise. Still, here, I am.

Retreat notes (II)

Par |2015-10-02T14:17:54+01:00mai 23rd, 2009|Textes|

Today ceremony/ritual on "receiving" the precepts for T., "Terre d'Eveil." I transmit what can't be transmitted to him and to all. Each becomes one and all, acknowledging this, our very life, as the natural expression of our essential awakened nature. The ground of awakening (terre d'éveil) is nowhere but here, wherever you are at this [...]

Retreat notes (I)

Par |2015-10-02T14:18:29+01:00mai 22nd, 2009|Textes|

Retreat notes, Day I, Les Longues Bruyères: Brilliant sun all day, as if a blessing. For no apparent reason. Slept restlessly, with strange dreams in the night. As if something hard didn't want to go away. Long stretches of sitting, with birdsong, light wind, clouds outside the bay windows thrown open, drifting. Willow the cat [...]

Time to move on

Par |2015-10-02T14:19:12+01:00mai 21st, 2009|Textes|

Here, an "absence" is a "presence" enhancing the experience of what I call the no-escape-universe: quiet holiday street, sun dipping in and out of clouds, bag packed to go. What next? The afternoon is everything, a burst of blossoms and leaves, asphalt littered with cigarette butts and a pink cup. The doorbell rings. Time to [...]

A piece of unstained silk at noon

Par |2015-10-02T14:19:48+01:00mai 14th, 2009|Textes|

Sitting here wondering about torpor at midday, pausing for no apparent reason amid translating work that I like. I am turned to thoughts of what to say. Thoughts of having to say something. Cars come and go outside. The cloud cover thins. Cat upset when moved. Voices pass in the street. I am stillness passing [...]

Spread out, ubiquitous

Par |2015-10-02T14:20:29+01:00mai 9th, 2009|Textes|

As Henri Michaux wrote, l'abandon de l'empire de moi m'a étendu infiniment... (abandoning the empire of me spread me out infinitely) The obstacle that is me is no longer obstacle. Space is neither great nor small. This is not exchanging one empire for another, however. This is not a closed infinity. This cool spring midday [...]

Anne Waldman

Par |2015-10-02T14:21:00+01:00mai 3rd, 2009|Textes|

Double Change vous invite à une lecture bilingue de Edith Azam et Anne Waldman mardi 4 mai 2010 à 19h au Point Ephémère 200 Quai de Valmy 75010 Paris Entrée libre Poète, performer, activiste, Anne Waldman a co-fondé en 1974 The Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics avec Allen Ginsberg à Naropa University, où elle [...]

Nathaniel Dorsky

Par |2017-04-04T06:58:21+01:00mai 3rd, 2009|Poésie|

May 5, 19h, Centre Pompidou, three short films by American experimental filmmaker Nathaniel Dorsky: Song and Solitude (2005-2006), Threnody (2004), The Visitation (2002) May 12, 19h, Centre Pompidou, four short films by American experimental filmmaker Nathaniel Dorsky: Sarabande (2008), Compline (2009), Aubade (2010), Winter (2008) Long a figure of interest to many contemporary American poets, [...]

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