Archives mensuelles : novembre 2009

novembre 2009

The walls falling

Par |2017-04-04T06:58:20+01:00novembre 9th, 2009|Textes|

Today is the day that everyone has been discussing for days, the 20th-anniversary day of the night when that strange wall "fell." Little has been said of how that wall came to be. Or how any wall comes to be. Or what constitutes a wall, or what constitutes a fall. Much has been said of [...]


Par |2015-10-02T12:35:59+01:00novembre 5th, 2009|Textes|

I would like to post something here, but what? We all seem so involved with getting and spending, pursuing distraction. I see it, I see me do it as I enter into a discussion about office intrigues or a football match or read about politics in the paper or shine my shoes. And so what? [...]

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