Archives annuelles : 2009

octobre 2009

Soulages and the unsuspected possibilities

Par |2015-10-02T12:36:29+01:00octobre 30th, 2009|Textes|

Upon seeing the Pierre Soulages exhibition in Paris, I am struck by the continuous reverberations that I am still feeling from what was essentially a painterly presentation of black substances (not only paint). "Le noir a des possibilités insoupçonnées et, attentif à ce que j'ignore, je vais à leur rencontre," Soulages says. ("Black has unsuspected [...]

Leaning into the flux

Par |2017-04-04T06:58:20+01:00octobre 27th, 2009|Textes|

Late in the afternoon I go out: for a walk, to run some errands, feel the air, see the sky, experience the relationship of being among persons and things, move away from the writing I do all day, alone. I choose a way I have never gone before, in a neighborhood where I have lived [...]

Time tells

Par |2015-10-02T12:37:31+01:00octobre 24th, 2009|Textes|

Yesterday I read about a guy in the United States who preaches something that he calls practical mysticism. Apart from the fact that he is in big trouble because three people died and many others are hospitalized after one of his practices in a sweat lodge turned bad, I've been wondering what "practical mysticism" could [...]

Underneath your feet

Par |2017-04-04T06:58:20+01:00octobre 21st, 2009|Textes|

Hours and dates advance, from night to morning to afternoon, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, September to October, in an indecipherable flow. Calendar and clock keep the count for me: I believe I can see time and space move! Activities unfold, my attention floats and holds, floats and holds as I answer a knock at the door, [...]

Program 2009-2010

Par |2015-10-12T16:15:57+01:00octobre 18th, 2009|Textes|

Wild Flower Sangha retreats and one-day practice sessions led by Amy Hollowell Sensei: Paris 31 Oct. 14-15 Nov. 13-14 Feb. 26-27 June Normandy 15-18 April 20-27 August Portugal 27 Nov.-1 Dec. 17-21 March 25 July-1 Aug. Introduction to Zen in Paris Oct. 28, 19h30-21h30, and other dates by appointment. Méditation en semaine à Paris/weekly meditation [...]

Skidding like the clouds

Par |2015-10-02T12:38:49+01:00octobre 16th, 2009|Textes|

It's been such a busy week. My nose is running all over the place. I watch the clouds skid across the sky as day seems to be drawing to a close more quickly than ever. The need to stand from my desk and go grows, due to worldly obligations. The funny thing is, I have [...]

As I become the words

Par |2015-10-02T12:39:19+01:00octobre 12th, 2009|Textes|

This weekend I traveled to Amsterdam and back. People, places and things were not where and what they were supposed to be, and yet everything was in its place. I read poems with other poets and musicians as a packed room and Proust in a painting listened. I don't remember the applause, but I'm sure [...]

Daido Roshi has passed

Par |2015-10-02T12:39:57+01:00octobre 9th, 2009|Textes|

Since 7:30 this morning in New York, John Daido Loori Roshi is no longer as he had been known since birth in 1930. It was raining tonight as I emerged from the Métro to go sit with my Wild Flower friends, innumerable drops endlessly falling, "general all over," as Joyce wrote of the snow in [...]

Thank you

Par |2015-10-02T12:40:36+01:00octobre 8th, 2009|Textes|

Am moved at the response regarding a chant for Daido Roshi in what appears to be his final days. Thank you all. His sangha asks, "Please continue your practice during this time and keep Daido Roshi in your mind and heart."

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