Archives mensuelles : août 2010

août 2010

Gushing forth

Par |2017-04-04T06:58:19+01:00août 19th, 2010|Textes|

Here, checking in again after several weeks of travels abroad, "vacating" away from usual connections, ideas, functions, positions. Here, preparing another departure, another week of "retreating," the last of the summer. One day and another day and another day and another, things as they are keep gushing forth. The breakfast table is filled with marvels, [...]

In the heart of neither here nor there

Par |2015-10-02T11:49:04+01:00août 1st, 2010|Textes|

A "new" month finds me home between travels after days of sitting in the heart of a searing hot Portuguese summer. Writing that, I marvel at the great fortune that has brought me to practice in Portugal these last six years. The days at Quinta das Águias went from fresh, easy morning to unthinkably fiery [...]

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