Archives mensuelles : octobre 2010

octobre 2010

Ah, the pleasures of illusion!

Par |2017-04-04T06:58:19+01:00octobre 8th, 2010|Textes|

Fabulous October morning bathed in sun, and in the garden the wet grass bathes my bare feet in what's left of night. The cat stays with me a moment, then trots off to her own secret frontiers. Seems we've been granted another reprieve from the inexorable descent of summer. Ah, the pleasures of illusion! The [...]

Filled with exchanges

Par |2015-10-02T11:37:47+01:00octobre 4th, 2010|Textes|

It's Monday. And so? And so the activity that has "occupied" me for nearly a week has come to an end. For five days, I participated in the Salon Zen in Paris, a teeming marketplace of seekers and sellers. It was a souk, with stand after stand of goods on display. A brisk trade ensued. [...]

Free introduction!

Par |2015-10-12T16:19:09+01:00octobre 2nd, 2010|Textes|

For anyone and everyone interested in a brief introduction to this practice that we call Zen, I'll be at the Red Earth Centre's open house next weekend. It's free and, as always with the Wild Flower Sangha, anything is possible! PORTES OUVERTES RED EARTH CENTRE samedi 9 octobre 2010 cours et présentations gratuits de 13H [...]

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