Archives annuelles : 2010

avril 2010

Rounding a corner of April

Par |2015-10-02T12:05:16+01:00avril 15th, 2010|Textes|

Off to retreat in Normandy. The news is in the details, wider and wider every moment. April is rounding a corner, turning away from a sort of stutter, from something fragile, toward something strongly fragile, without hesitation. I like that, and the sun sneaking in and out of the clouds.

Much ado about

Par |2015-10-02T12:05:52+01:00avril 12th, 2010|Textes|

There has been so much ado since Saturday about the plane crashing in a Russian forest with an array of Polish leaders, including the president, on board. There were, the news reports said, no survivors. We might say none of us are survivors (we all are dying), or we all are survivors (who dies?), including [...]

A necessity, spoonful to spoonful

Par |2017-04-04T06:58:19+01:00avril 11th, 2010|Textes|

I come across a phrase as I flip through a text that I've read over and over, entitled, "La nécessité de Giacometti" (The Necessity of Giacometti), by Yves Bonnefoy: Giacometti's intention in his art, Bonnefoy writes, was to "saisir" (seize) "la transcendance dans l'immanence" (transcendence in immanence). Seize what can't be seized: That was his [...]

Of all the possible words

Par |2017-04-04T06:58:19+01:00avril 5th, 2010|Textes|

Of all the possible words (worlds?) to grab and type here, a few are chosen: Several talks from last Portugal retreat and a conference at the Fnac in Coimbra are now posted on the Wild Flower Portugal site: For those in Paris, an American poet not to miss tomorrow night (Tuesday): Norman Fischer, Zen [...]

Essentially mystery and splendor

Par |2015-10-02T12:09:15+01:00avril 4th, 2010|Textes|

Another full-schedule week of multiple activities having now come to this, a rainy, chilly, sometimes sunny, sometimes not Easter Sunday. After newspaper work, I'm home again. I think I have now done everything that I think I can possibly think of doing. Reminds me of the Zen story (as told by D.T. Suzuki) in which [...]

mars 2010

(Fleeting) In deep peace

Par |2015-10-02T12:09:48+01:00mars 26th, 2010|Textes|

A bit more information today about the accident and my friend: He is conscious, can speak and move. His injuries are serious, but not what we might have imagined. Sounds like some sort of miracle. Again, I notice the movement. The story changes. My emotions shift, ebb, flow. The very nature of "accident" is uncertainty, [...]


Par |2015-10-02T12:10:30+01:00mars 25th, 2010|Textes|

Tonight I receive news that a friend has had a serious accident. The information is sketchy --- how? why? So much is unknown. Yet he is alive. There are waves of emotion, then I forget, or they subside. Then I feel something else, and something else, and something else. How must it be for his [...]

After Portugal: Leaving nothing behind

Par |2017-04-04T06:58:19+01:00mars 24th, 2010|Textes|

It's Wednesday, late afternoon, a balmy day in the city easing to its end. Ran some errands and then had lunch in the neighborhood with an old dharma sister/friend. The grilled salmon was nice and the miso soup, too. We checked in with each other, laughed, listened, shared our differences. Each then went her way, [...]

Stand and go

Par |2015-10-02T12:11:48+01:00mars 19th, 2010|Textes|

Off to Portugal on a fine, spring-like morning. The cat is sick; I don't like leaving her. Bag is packed. Can't think of any book to take except a very old translation and commentary of two classic Buddhist texts. Not sure I'll read it. Not sure of anything. Only that now I must stand and [...]

Never, never know (amazing grace)

Par |2015-10-02T12:12:24+01:00mars 17th, 2010|Textes|

Haven't seen the days go by. Haven't seen myself go by. Surprised by the light lingering longer tonight as evening settled in. Curious about the words that I typed out all day. And also the words here: What course will they follow? Where will they fall? And how? And who? I'll never, never know. Ah, [...]

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