Archives annuelles : 2011

juin 2011

Suddenly, this morning

Par |2015-10-02T16:21:19+01:00juin 13th, 2011|Textes|

Suddenly Monday already, and yet another holiday here in France. The day began with a surprise when I flipped the switch for the light in the bathroom: suddenly no electricity. Whatever I might have been expecting at that moment, it was definitely not that. All the potential explanations that I could think of for the [...]

Becoming, on and on

Par |2015-10-02T16:19:15+01:00juin 9th, 2011|Textes|

Came across this tonight, a wonderfully rich summary of practice and life, life and practice from Shunryu Suzuki: Without any idea of time, your practice goes on and on. Moment after moment you become you yourself. Sit with that awhile, toss it around as you walk down the street, or whenever, wherever you are! There's [...]

Feast of right amounts, wandering home

Par |2017-04-04T06:58:17+01:00juin 4th, 2011|Textes|

A day of sitting today in the summer garden, graced with the right amounts of shade and sun and wind. Our lunch table, too, was filled with the right amount of the right ingredients contributed by each to make a feast of generous abundance. The cat comes and goes. In the heat of deep afternoon, [...]

mai 2011

A deliciously irreversible evening

Par |2015-10-02T16:19:41+01:00mai 30th, 2011|Textes|

Amid talk among friends at a dinner party in the delicious garden last night, someone asked the question: Is an "awakening" experience irreversible? Everyone seemed to have something to say about it, whether a question, a comment, a challenge, an argument, a doubt. It all got a bit heady. Having come to the discussion late [...]

Tree of life

Par |2015-10-02T16:19:54+01:00mai 28th, 2011|Textes|

Saturday afternoon at the movies can change your mind... if you see Terence Malick's new film, "The Tree of Life." It's just things as they are, start to finish, or finish to start, the "beginning" is at the "end," and nothing is what it seems to be in this film and yet it is all [...]

Back again, night (slow and late)

Par |2015-10-02T16:20:07+01:00mai 26th, 2011|Textes|

Almost feels like I never left. I felt so much "here" wherever I was. And yet... New York is a big, hard, tall city, without round edges or cushions, constantly busy and in motion. It is known as the city that never sleeps, after all. Although sometimes I think it is really the city that [...]

Velvet, violet, here, there, everywhere

Par |2015-10-02T16:20:21+01:00mai 13th, 2011|Textes|

Moonlight on the canal as we left sitting tonight. Lovely, easy, quiet evening in spring. Dark, yet not dark, almost a velvety violet. Meanwhile... Heading off to America tomorrow, leaving the "old" continent behind for 10 days. Always have mixed feelings about travels, about coming and going, about stepping away from "home,'' even if for [...]

Action and actor, justice and compassion

Par |2015-10-02T16:23:15+01:00mai 11th, 2011|Textes|

Inundated as we are with carefully crafted information since the killing of Osama Bin Laden, what has emerged at the very least is a clear picture of everyone trying to give their meaning to the story. As a journalist, I know something about how such events take on a life of their own, fueled by [...]

Merci (The Red Wheelbarrow)

Par |2015-10-08T17:13:59+01:00mai 9th, 2011|Poésie|

Merci à tous ceux qui sont venus à la lecture ce soir à la librairie The Red Wheelbarrow. J'apprécie avec gratitude votre soutien de mon "travail" dans ce champs poètique, qui, comme notre pratique Zen, est un des rares champs restants qui échape aux "chiffres" qui dominent notre monde contemporaine. A thank you to all [...]

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