Archives mensuelles : février 2012

février 2012

In the movement

Par |2015-10-02T15:44:43+01:00février 28th, 2012|Textes|

I was sweeping through the events of the day, big and small, when I recevied an email message from someone who had recently lost a dear sibling. It felt like the world's axis had shifted, she said, with everything different yet still just going on. When I stopped reading for a second and looked up [...]

I don’t know, again and again

Par |2015-10-02T15:44:57+01:00février 27th, 2012|Textes|

The first words that come are: "I don't know." And then there are others: "the cat purrs," "what time is it?" "keep looking," and more and more and more... I back up, return to the first words again. Or is that I am moving ahead? Or maybe not forward or back, but rather "I" am [...]

Obstacle and mirage

Par |2017-04-04T06:58:16+01:00février 22nd, 2012|Textes|

Riding in a car the other day, I was told by the driver that sometimes the car's radar system, which is supposed to alert the driver when the car is nearing an "obstacle," malfunctions. It seems that it often sounds the alarm when there is in fact no "obstacle." That's exactly like our minds, I [...]

Events of your daily lives and mine

Par |2015-10-02T15:45:41+01:00février 7th, 2012|Textes|

Thanks to those who inquired about my health last week. I'm now well back in the swing of things, experiencing the bitter Parisian cold firsthand. And today amid the greater world's joys and sorrows, the slaughters and acts of kindness, the electoral hand-wringing and bickering, the getting and spending, I managed the daily doings: tending [...]

A return to the elements

Par |2015-10-02T15:45:55+01:00février 2nd, 2012|Textes|

Never a February 2 without a thought for James Joyce, the day of his birth (in Dublin), the day of the publication of "Ulysses" (in Paris) 40 years later. Myself, I was too sick today to go to the funeral of a poet/friend/fellow Joycean at Père Lachaise this morning. I took some comfort, though, in [...]

In sickness and in health

Par |2015-10-02T15:46:09+01:00février 1st, 2012|Textes|

Another sick day, another day of sickness. Something refreshingly healthy about just being sick. Meanwhile, I've heard that the cold outside is bitter. But as I've been indoors for nearly two days, I can only believe (or not) what I hear. Or I can go out and feel for myself. It's the same for everything, [...]

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