Archives mensuelles : juin 2012

juin 2012

Summer 2012

Par |2015-10-08T17:33:48+01:00juin 30th, 2012|La pratique Zen|

Please note the Wild Flower summer schedule: Final weekly meditation Monday July 16 Retreat in Portugal: July 28- Aug. 4 info/registration: Retreat in France: Aug. 25-Sept. 1 info/registration: Meditation starts again Monday Sept. 10 and Friday Sept. 16

Nice to be here (in the « normal » place)

Par |2015-10-02T15:37:41+01:00juin 24th, 2012|Textes|

Returning home here after all my travels, across the Atlantic and into America... The trip included family time in two cities and wanderings around New York, as well as a lovely Bloomsday workshop at the Village Zendo. I'm the richer for it all in a thousand ways. My world was unfixed during those days, as [...]

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