Archives mensuelles : décembre 2012

décembre 2012

Where’s the freedom in the land of the free?

Par |2015-10-02T15:32:20+01:00décembre 18th, 2012|Textes|

A family member in America tells me that the U.S. media is in a frenzy over the country's latest shooting massacre, in which 20 young children were riddled with dozens and dozens of bullets from a semiautomatic rifle on Friday at their school. I'm not surprised: I am a journalist, after all, and American-born, although [...]

Everyone, everywhere in the world

Par |2017-04-04T06:58:15+01:00décembre 11th, 2012|Textes|

Days are growing shorter and colder here as December deepens. I find myself doing the same, slowing with the slowing down, turning with the turning to the deep that lies inward. A few days ago (Sunday) was the day that in the Zen tradition we celebrate as the day of the historic Buddha's awakening. You [...]


Par |2017-04-04T06:58:15+01:00décembre 2nd, 2012|Textes|

Second day of a new month, a week after my last post, night falling in Paris: So it goes. I want to officially thank all those who sent me birthday greetings yesterday. You made my day! Meanwhile, a lazy Sunday. Read all the daily newspapers that were available. Yet now as I sit at my [...]

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