Archives mensuelles : novembre 2013

novembre 2013

After Thanksgiving

Par |2015-10-02T15:21:18+01:00novembre 29th, 2013|Textes|

Fog started rolling in last night, hovering along our street as my son and I returned late from a Thanksgiving feast. He noted the odd brilliance it cast, affording a seemingly incongruous clarity to the briskly chilly night lit only by street lamps. We were filled to the brim with autumn's singular pleasures. And most [...]

Retreat calendar spring-summer 2014

Par |2015-10-12T16:17:27+01:00novembre 25th, 2013|Textes|

2014 (spring and summer) multi-day retreats with the Wild Flower Zen Sangha and Sensei Amy Hollowell: April 17-21, Portugal (with special guest Roshi Catherine Genno Pagès) May 9-16, Belgium (co-led with Sensei Frank de Waele and Sensei Corrine Frottier) July 26-Aug. 2, Portugal for information about retreats and registration:

Perfect zero

Par |2015-10-02T15:21:40+01:00novembre 18th, 2013|Textes|

Today, wars all around and other natural disasters, the "economy" in tatters, hunger, disease, plastic surgery rampant. And in my weekly agenda, dotted with quotes from artists through the ages, there is this: "Il réalisait parmi les hommes cette figure parfaite que le cercle réalise parmi les lignes géométriques. C'était un zéro." Victor Hugo, note [...]

Lou Reed’s wide-awake death

Par |2017-04-04T06:58:15+01:00novembre 12th, 2013|Textes|

It's been a couple of weeks since I learned of Lou Reed's death, the day after he died, as I returned to Paris after retreat in Portugal. And only now did I finally find what his wife, the great Laurie Anderson, had to say about his death, about him, about them. Here's a beautiful excerpt: [...]

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