Archives mensuelles : juin 2014

juin 2014

The passing of Malgosia Braunek Roshi

Par |2015-10-02T15:17:04+01:00juin 25th, 2014|Textes|

It is with heavy heart that I must write again about the death of a great teacher in our lineage: Malgosia Jiho Braunek Roshi died on Monday at the age of 67 in Warsaw after fighting cancer for a little more than a year. Although we saw each other barely once a year, I learned [...]

Almost-summer gladness

Par |2014-06-20T11:21:56+01:00juin 20th, 2014|Poésie|

Another fine almost-summer day here finds me happy again to offer another poem to my zenscribe comrades, near and far. Many thanks for comments on previous posting... Glad we're back, having never left. ANNALS OF ASTRONOMY You won’t go to paradise tonight or tomorrow But look now for a moment Constellations of you are new [...]

An offering for Bloomsday

Par |2014-06-16T12:03:44+01:00juin 16th, 2014|Poésie|

It took Bloomsday to bring me back to these pages. If you're reading this, I owe you deep thanks for keeping zenscribe in mind even without any sign of life and words here. So with gratitude, I offer a poem from my forthcoming book, Here We Are, to mark Mr. Bloom's never-ending day in Joyce's [...]

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