Archives annuelles : 2014

janvier 2014

Keep touching the ground

Par |2017-04-04T06:58:15+01:00janvier 8th, 2014|Textes|

Back at work and other activities this week after the traditional holiday "break.'' Seems a bit strange, like I've been away for a long while, and strangely just the same, as if I've never left. I guess the truth is that both are true... I've also been thinking how lucky I am to have "activities" [...]

Completion and renewal

Par |2015-10-02T15:20:54+01:00janvier 1st, 2014|Textes|

As 2013 has come to a close and we enter 2014, it's a great moment to remind ourselves where we have been and also to look clearly at where we are: at both an end and a beginning. Think of a circle, which is both a completion (2013 is complete) and a renewal (a new [...]

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