Archives mensuelles : février 2007

février 2007

Just Listen

Par |2015-10-02T19:52:15+01:00février 27th, 2007|Textes|

A journalist once asked Mother Teresa what she said to God when praying. “Nothing,” she replied, “I just listen.” Surprised, the journalist then asked, “So what does God say to you?” “Nothing,” Mother Teresa replied. “He just listens.”

« Ulysses, » episode 3: reading notes

Par |2017-04-04T06:58:23+01:00février 27th, 2007|Art et Zen|

"Ulysses," episode 3: reading notes (version française à venir) Homeric link/lien avec Homère: Proteus/Protée Place/lieu: The strand/la plage Hour: 11 a.m./11 heures Color: Green/vert Body part/partie du corps: None/aucun Art/science: Philology/philologie Symbol: Tide/la marée In this last of the first three episodes (the first triad), Stephen is truly alone for the first time in the [...]

Big Mind, Big Wind

Par |2015-10-02T19:51:52+01:00février 1st, 2007|Textes|

Back after 10 days of North Sea retreat peregrinations, sand-swept and snow-flaked in abundance. Again, that old salty dog Genpo Roshi sent the roof off. How shapely is mind! How vast its flow! See us all falling, falling, all Maha, all Ameland, all round and round in the Big Wind at

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