Archives mensuelles : août 2007

août 2007

Behind the mountains in Portugal

Par |2017-04-04T06:58:22+01:00août 7th, 2007|Textes|

A week behind the mountains in Portugal. With our hearts, birdsong and the moon rose bright and full. Sky vast by night and day, a cool breeze and a rustle in the trees. Sun and shade, sitting and walking, inside and out: the golden river Douro offers its caress to both of its banks. A [...]


Par |2015-10-02T19:57:38+01:00août 7th, 2007|Textes|

L'ÉCLAIR ME DURE... Comment dire ma liberté, ma surprise, au terme de mille détours: il n'y a pas de fond, il n'y pas de plafond. René Char (THE LIGHTENING REMAINS WITH ME How to express my freedom, my surprise, after a thousand detours: there is no bottom, there is no top.)

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