Archives annuelles : 2009

avril 2009

Shine a (discreet) light

Par |2017-04-04T06:58:21+01:00avril 19th, 2009|Textes|

All weekend, as I go about home activities (waking, sleeping, dressing, cooking, cleaning, talking, shopping) and then take up the day-job of cutting, fitting, packaging reports of what a select few have sorted and catergorized as the day's most worthy news, I am with a few incisive words from Georges Bataille about the nature and [...]

I still am

Par |2015-10-02T14:24:44+01:00avril 13th, 2009|Textes|

Having never left, I am back again. This, although I traveled to Portugal, where we sat together deepening the minutes, hours, days, surrounded by green hills and the brassy music of a fireman's band rehearsing in the ramshackle hall next door. This, although I then crossed mountains and rivers and towns, returning now to the [...]

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