Archives annuelles : 2011

mai 2011

Reading at The Red Wheelbarrow

Par |2015-10-08T17:14:06+01:00mai 7th, 2011|Poésie|

For those in Paris, I'll be performing with two other poets on Monday, May 9: Paris-based poets Amy Hollowell and Pansy Maurer-Alvarez joined by poet and publisher Robert Hershon from Brooklyn for performances of their work: May 9 19h entrée libre The Red Wheelbarrow Bookstore 22, rue St. Paul, 75004 Paris Métro: St. Paul, Bastille, [...]

Retraite de méditation en France, été 2011

Par |2015-10-12T16:18:15+01:00mai 6th, 2011|Textes|

Retraite de méditation Zen avec Amy Hollowell, Sensei, fondatrice de la Wild Flower Zen Sangha 20-27 août Au centre Le Tapis Vert, en Normandie Asseyez-vous et réveillez-vous! La méditation Zen est un acte de liberté. Qui que vous soyez, où que vous soyez, elle constitue un plongeon radical au coeur de la vie. Durant cette [...]

Including the killing of a killer

Par |2015-10-02T16:23:28+01:00mai 3rd, 2011|Textes|

Discovering the killing of Osama Bin Laden this morning gave rise to a mix of emotions. Because from an "awakened" perspective of the oneness of all life, it is certainly a more complex event than the expressions of nationalistic euphoria in America would have it seem. Sure, he was what generally would qualify as a [...]

Enseignements en français

Par |2017-04-04T06:58:17+01:00mai 1st, 2011|La pratique Zen|

Enseignements donnés à Paris par Amy Hollowell Sensei.   Quitter les sentiers battus - Vendredi 28 Janvier 2011   Incarner l'évidence - Vendredi 4 Février 2011   Porter témoignage - Vendredi 25 Février 2011   Une retraite au coeur de la vie - Vendredi 4 Mars 2011   La méditation : un but en soi [...]

avril 2011

Being with the pomp

Par |2017-04-04T06:58:17+01:00avril 30th, 2011|Textes|

Yesterday in the newsroom where I work, much attention was focused for a few hours at midday on the royal wedding in London. I followed along with my colleagues, watching on a live stream on the Web or, very briefly, on the television. It was like sitting with my eyes open, just being present with [...]

In Portugal: A dance of the heart

Par |2015-10-02T16:23:55+01:00avril 27th, 2011|Textes|

Returned from travels to Portugal, and find myself here at my desk again, letting words emerge. The experience over three days of sitting all together was like this cool, windy afternoon today, sun and shadow dancing with the bobbing leaves. We danced like that in our hearts, called to (re)invent our relationship to ourselves, to [...]


Par |2015-10-02T16:24:09+01:00avril 21st, 2011|Textes|

Off to Portugal this morning for retreat. We will celebrate a ceremony Monday around noon Portugal time (GMT) for several people receiving the precepts (jukai). All welcome to sit with us, wherever you are at that time (or another time).

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