Archives mensuelles : octobre 2012

octobre 2012

Come as you are

Par |2015-10-02T15:33:16+01:00octobre 31st, 2012|Textes|

Retreating to Portugal once again. Three days in Coimbra... far from the hurricane, yet right in the middle of it, the hurricane of every moment. Join us, wherever you are, whenever you can. Come as you are. We'll keep a place for you.

My new book: « Giacomettrics »

Par |2017-04-04T06:58:15+01:00octobre 25th, 2012|Poésie|

I'm fabulously delighted to announce the publication of my new collection, Giacomettrics, just out from corrupt press. If you're in Paris, please come help me launch it on Nov. 6 (see details below). If not in Paris, visit to order a copy. I look forward to sharing it with you all. (VF: Je [...]

Late afternoon, touched with love

Par |2015-10-02T15:33:30+01:00octobre 21st, 2012|Textes|

Late, late afternoon here in the city. It's that "moment" of day's light sliding into night's dark. Even as I'm writing that, as the words take form, I'm aware of day/night as convenient labels for the same "thing," which is not a "thing" at all, but rather a constant flux impossible to hold. The simultaneous [...]

What’s a bodhisattva, anyway?

Par |2017-04-04T06:58:15+01:00octobre 15th, 2012|Textes|

In response to a question raised in a reader's comment on the previous entry, I'd like to offer an explanation of what I mean by the word "bodhisattva." Note that these words reflect my experience, and therefore they are not necessarily what a dictionary definition might say. Strictly speaking, the Sanskrit word bodhisattva means enlightenment [...]

Get what you want or get what you need?

Par |2017-04-04T06:58:15+01:00octobre 4th, 2012|Textes|

I stumbled upon this comment today, and am throwing it out there to see what others might have to say. It touches on so many issues that many of us find ourselves confronting daily - wealth, power and fame, happiness, spirituality, goals, food, clothing, leisure, livelihood, politics... Maybe we can get a discussion going here [...]

Program 2012-2013

Par |2015-10-12T16:17:37+01:00octobre 3rd, 2012|Textes|

One-day retreats (Paris)/retraites d’une journée à Paris 6 Oct. 24 Nov. 19 Jan. 16 Feb. 16 March 16 June (Bloomsday) Weekend retreats: 1-4 Nov. (Portugal) 29-31 March (Portugal) 25-28 April (Gent, Belgium) with Frank de Waele Sensei and Zen Sangha Belgium registration and information: Zen Sangha Belgium 8-12 May (France) 8-10 June (Portugal) Weeklong retreats/retraites [...]

Retreat in the Heart of Life, Day V

Par |2015-10-02T20:32:19+01:00octobre 2nd, 2012|Retraites au coeur de la vie|

The day looks like this so far: breakfast, lunch, Skype appointment, laundry and dishes to wash, the rain outside, a cup of green tea inside, catching up with email traffic and administrative duties, now preparing to head out for the rest of the day elsewhere (not at "home," that is). I'm still reflecting on the [...]

Leonard Cohen’s imperfect perfect offering

Par |2015-10-02T15:35:51+01:00octobre 1st, 2012|Textes|

Another marvelous Leonard Cohen concert last night, and this time at the legendary Olympia theater in Paris. Today, it seems like whatever I might write about the experience here would be merely words words words. They would fail to transmit the joy of so much emotion, so much love, so much happiness and sorrow, so [...]

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