Archives annuelles : 2012

mars 2012

Consuming yoga?

Par |2015-10-02T15:43:30+01:00mars 13th, 2012|Textes|

Ever since an article appeared on the sports pages in the newspaper last week about Americans turning yoga into a competitive sport (even hoping to bring it to the Olympics as a medal event!), I am at a loss for words. Although I don't practice yoga, I have rarely heard of something so absurd as [...]

An ongoing question

Par |2017-04-04T06:58:15+01:00mars 7th, 2012|Textes|

When you stop to consider all the "current events" that capture our attention every day, it seems impossible to settle on one, to select a moment, an event, a person, an issue, worth singling out from the rest. Is the ongoing slaughter in Syria more "captivating" than a presidential debate in France, Greece's ongoing economic [...]

A dead poet lives

Par |2015-10-02T15:44:13+01:00mars 4th, 2012|Textes|

More engagement with the "past" again today: particpated in a tribute reading following the death of an American poet who had been a pillar of the Anglophone poetry scene in Paris. Poets of all sorts came together to honor John, his work and his support for many of us. Saw many people I haven't seen [...]

The times of our lives

Par |2017-04-04T06:58:15+01:00mars 3rd, 2012|Textes|

Spend much of the day with old photographs, in response to a request for pictures to build an archive of Dana, my teacher's sangha, my own original heart sangha. Each image stirs an association with people, places, times, lives. Sometimes there is a tug of wistful regret for what and who is "gone," nostalgia for [...]

février 2012

In the movement

Par |2015-10-02T15:44:43+01:00février 28th, 2012|Textes|

I was sweeping through the events of the day, big and small, when I recevied an email message from someone who had recently lost a dear sibling. It felt like the world's axis had shifted, she said, with everything different yet still just going on. When I stopped reading for a second and looked up [...]

I don’t know, again and again

Par |2015-10-02T15:44:57+01:00février 27th, 2012|Textes|

The first words that come are: "I don't know." And then there are others: "the cat purrs," "what time is it?" "keep looking," and more and more and more... I back up, return to the first words again. Or is that I am moving ahead? Or maybe not forward or back, but rather "I" am [...]

Obstacle and mirage

Par |2017-04-04T06:58:16+01:00février 22nd, 2012|Textes|

Riding in a car the other day, I was told by the driver that sometimes the car's radar system, which is supposed to alert the driver when the car is nearing an "obstacle," malfunctions. It seems that it often sounds the alarm when there is in fact no "obstacle." That's exactly like our minds, I [...]

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