La pratique Zen

novembre 2018

Heart of Life/Coeur de la vie: Day/Jour III

Par |2018-11-14T14:08:56+01:00novembre 14th, 2018|La pratique Zen, Retraites au coeur de la vie|

It's Day III of our retreat. Heartfelt thanks to those who have posted experiences and reflections. We are nearly 70 participants in this retreat (the most ever!), and we're all grateful for your words. If you haven't posted yet, please take the plunge - for you and for the others! Sitting down at my [...]

Heart of Life/Coeur de la vie: Day/Jour II

Par |2018-11-13T11:46:18+01:00novembre 13th, 2018|La pratique Zen, Retraites au coeur de la vie|

Another busy morning here in Montreuil, where today there is sun instead of rain. My nose is running. I've already had two cups of black tea. A friend is coming soon for lunch and I have no idea what we'll eat. I'm sure we will eat, though. How fortunate we are. Thank you for [...]

Heart of Life/Coeur de la vie: Day/Jour I

Par |2018-11-12T12:25:13+01:00novembre 12th, 2018|La pratique Zen, Retraites au coeur de la vie|

Here in Montreuil, my morning on this first day of our retreat has been busy. After a short meditation session, I've been managing late registrations for the retreat in between breakfast, the usual morning routine, helping my son with some administrative stuff, Skype interviews with students... The meditation was essential. In the supreme meal (le [...]

Heart of Sunday (afternoon)

Par |2018-11-11T15:28:24+01:00novembre 11th, 2018|La pratique Zen, Retraites au coeur de la vie|

Wet, cold and gray Sunday afternoon here in Montreuil. Today is the 100th anniversary of the end of World War I. That anniversary reminds me to bear witness to what happens when we don't see "the other" as ourselves and ourselves as "the other," as Bernie Glassman never stopped saying. Meanwhile, looking ahead to [...]

juin 2016

Wild Flower is creating a center in Paris!

Par |2017-04-04T06:58:13+01:00juin 26th, 2016|La pratique Zen, Textes|

And we need your help! (voir texte en français ci-dessous) Since our founding in 2004, we at the Wild Flower Zen Sangha have pursued our mission — to foster liberation for everyone everywhere — without having a fixed “home of our own.” Now we are venturing into an exciting new wilderness, seeking to grow beyond [...]

juillet 2014

février 2014

Easter in Portugal with special guest Catherine Genno Pagès Roshi

Par |2015-10-03T16:49:14+01:00février 25th, 2014|La pratique Zen|

Ten years ago, in October 2004, the first seeds of our Wild Flower Zen community in Portugal were planted when the Porto Buddhist Union invited my teacher, Roshi Catherine Genno Pagès, to visit for the first time. I accompanied Genno Roshi for that ground-breaking trip, and have since returned alone to Portugal year after year, [...]

novembre 2013

octobre 2013

avril 2013

What is a retreat? and other questions

Par |2017-04-04T06:58:15+01:00avril 14th, 2013|La pratique Zen|

What is a retreat? Retreats are precious opportunities for members of the sangha to come together and share practice. In the Wild Flower Sangha, that practice is radical: The universe is our zendo, the earth is the altar, all beings are buddhas and hungry ghosts and they all belong to our sangha, the dharma is [...]

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