
octobre 2015

Giacomettrics/Giacomettriques: Poèmes/poems online/en ligne

Par |2015-10-26T12:29:35+01:00octobre 24th, 2015|Poésie|

Je suis très heureuse -- ravi! -- de voir des extraits de mon précédent recueil de poèsie, Giacomettrics, publiés en version bilingue pour la première fois par la revue Retors, avec les magnifiques traductions de Célin Vuraler. (I am delighted to see excerpts from my previous collection, Giacomettrics, published in a bilingual version for the [...]

mai 2015

« Here We Are » at Poets Live

Par |2017-04-04T06:58:14+01:00mai 1st, 2015|Poésie, Textes|

Come one, come all to hear my first Paris reading entirely in English for the continuing launch of my new book, Here We Are (Presses universaitaires de Rouen et du Havre).  It's on May 26, 19h30, part of an evening of poetry in English, French and Kurdish, hosted by the series Poets Live at Berkeley Books [...]

juillet 2014

juin 2014

Almost-summer gladness

Par |2014-06-20T11:21:56+01:00juin 20th, 2014|Poésie|

Another fine almost-summer day here finds me happy again to offer another poem to my zenscribe comrades, near and far. Many thanks for comments on previous posting... Glad we're back, having never left. ANNALS OF ASTRONOMY You won’t go to paradise tonight or tomorrow But look now for a moment Constellations of you are new [...]

An offering for Bloomsday

Par |2014-06-16T12:03:44+01:00juin 16th, 2014|Poésie|

It took Bloomsday to bring me back to these pages. If you're reading this, I owe you deep thanks for keeping zenscribe in mind even without any sign of life and words here. So with gratitude, I offer a poem from my forthcoming book, Here We Are, to mark Mr. Bloom's never-ending day in Joyce's [...]

mars 2013

The Next Big Thing:  »Here We Are »

Par |2017-04-04T06:58:15+01:00mars 17th, 2013|Poésie|

Here's my self-interview for the ongoing Next Big Thing project connecting us all and reflecting each of us and our work, gem-to-gem, around the net. Each writer/artist gets the same set of questions to answer about his/her current work. I was tagged to join the project by Pansy Mauer-Alvarez, who was tagged by Dylan Harris [...]

octobre 2012

My new book: « Giacomettrics »

Par |2017-04-04T06:58:15+01:00octobre 25th, 2012|Poésie|

I'm fabulously delighted to announce the publication of my new collection, Giacomettrics, just out from corrupt press. If you're in Paris, please come help me launch it on Nov. 6 (see details below). If not in Paris, visit http://corruptpress.net to order a copy. I look forward to sharing it with you all. (VF: Je [...]

septembre 2012

novembre 2011

Poets Live

Par |2015-02-25T17:36:16+01:00novembre 21st, 2011|Poésie|

All those in Paris tomorrow night: I'll be launching the release of my new chapbook, "Peneloping," published by corrupt press. Come hear me read! Poets Live 22 November with Ian Monk, Amy Hollowell and Megan Fernandes. At 19h downstairs at Carr's Pub, 1 rue de Mont-Thabor, 75001 Paris. Metro Tuileries. Admission free. If you can't [...]

mai 2011

Merci (The Red Wheelbarrow)

Par |2015-10-08T17:13:59+01:00mai 9th, 2011|Poésie|

Merci à tous ceux qui sont venus à la lecture ce soir à la librairie The Red Wheelbarrow. J'apprécie avec gratitude votre soutien de mon "travail" dans ce champs poètique, qui, comme notre pratique Zen, est un des rares champs restants qui échape aux "chiffres" qui dominent notre monde contemporaine. A thank you to all [...]

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