Strung a number of years ago between trees outside my bedroom window, the Tibetan prayer flag is now threading away into the foliage. Today in the icy drizzle, it seems at once destitute, diminished, alone, lost in the tangle of leaf and branch, its colors now faded from their once-brilliant glory, and unflappably resilient, an unwavering strand rising and falling in the wind, at home in the weave of its surroundings, present with whatever arises.
Humbly, I bow.
Dear Geert, thank you for offering your kind words.
I, too, like to meet the dharma family.
And I return your bow.
Dear Amy Sensei, as our teacher Frank De Waele sometimes talks about his dharma family, I was curious and in this way discovered your ‘zenscribe website’. The texts are inspiring for me and I read them quite regularly. I appreciate your sharing them with whoever want to taste them. In this way these texts seem too me like the Tibetan prayer flag, allways present whatever arises and offering their beauty too all humankind.
Humbly, I bow.