The new year
approaches and I come upon this perfect bit of dialogue from Samuel Beckett’s Endgame:
Clor: Do you believe in the life to come?
Hamm: Mine was always that.
I wonder about mine.
And yours?
The new year
approaches and I come upon this perfect bit of dialogue from Samuel Beckett’s Endgame:
Clor: Do you believe in the life to come?
Hamm: Mine was always that.
I wonder about mine.
And yours?
Thank you for learning me about Nisargadatta. And so much more…
Have heard much about the trilogy and am finally intending to read it. so don’t tell me the end (although i have a fair idea)! Thanks for reminding me of it.
Spoken of living on a square centimeter : Beckett was the ultimate example. Staying in bed for how long???
We read him first at 18 at school. Since then he has a special place in my heart. Not that i did understand everything with my mind – "but I felt that is was all in there." i use to say . And you don’t need to know the whole of the Greek tragedies or anything to understand him. The words are easy. Like Vermeer or Morandi it is so simple – just life…
You know the trilogy Molloy – Malone dies – Nameless? You know the end of Nameless????