Archives annuelles : 2009

août 2009

Talk in Portugal, Aug. 3, 2009

Par |2017-04-04T06:58:21+01:00août 3rd, 2009|Textes|

Ritually rich, in and out of order As was requested, I will try to say something about the forms and rituals of this practice. Before that question came up this morning, I had been writing in a new notebook. It has lines on the pages, unlike my previous notebook. Sometimes my notebooks have lines and [...]

juillet 2009

Sit and see

Par |2015-10-02T14:09:46+01:00juillet 31st, 2009|Textes|

Ready to "go" again. Retreat in Portugal this time. After all these years, I still love (or am in love with?) the idea that any number of disparate individuals choose to come together from their very singular lives and sit down as one for awhile. Day after day. And acknowledge that we're all in this [...]

Falls a maple leaf

Par |2017-04-04T06:58:21+01:00juillet 27th, 2009|Textes|

Amid the bustle of worldly affairs, summer is hot and cool, dry and wet, clear and overcast, day and night... I'm like that, too, one activity, another activity, and another... The papers are full of it, and the garden, too, in full bloom, and me. News arrives by phone of a sudden grave illness in [...]

We’ll never be there again

Par |2015-10-02T14:10:55+01:00juillet 21st, 2009|Textes|

Back now from retreat. Return after a week away to find the city relaxed, moving step by step, unbound. Recall the mist on the green morning hills outside my window before a first sitting. Night had been filled with fitful sleep. I drank it all, then turned to dress. The entire week was like that: [...]

To one and all

Par |2015-10-02T14:11:25+01:00juillet 11th, 2009|Textes|

Off for a week, in retreat. Keeping in mind the words of Obaku, one of the ancestors: I don't expect anything. I just bow. And so I do, to one and all.

juin 2009

Life and death in black and white

Par |2015-10-02T14:12:27+01:00juin 29th, 2009|Textes|

Summer in the city. I'm just going through the day, hot and sunny, blue-sky fine. What else is there to do? Somewhere across the Atlantic, Madoff gets 150 years in prison and the talk is still about Michael Jackson. And not just across the ocean. How strange that the saddest man made so many happy. [...]

Summer retreats 2009

Par |2015-10-02T14:13:03+01:00juin 24th, 2009|Textes|

Living in occupied territory? Revolt! Sit down and vacate with the Wild Flower Sangha. Practice, study, experience the art of everything-is-practice. Beginners welcome. Two summer retreats, in France and in Portugal: Aug. 1-8, Portugal info and registration: Aug. 21-28, France info and registration:

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