Archives mensuelles : avril 2011

avril 2011

Being with the pomp

Par |2017-04-04T06:58:17+01:00avril 30th, 2011|Textes|

Yesterday in the newsroom where I work, much attention was focused for a few hours at midday on the royal wedding in London. I followed along with my colleagues, watching on a live stream on the Web or, very briefly, on the television. It was like sitting with my eyes open, just being present with [...]

In Portugal: A dance of the heart

Par |2015-10-02T16:23:55+01:00avril 27th, 2011|Textes|

Returned from travels to Portugal, and find myself here at my desk again, letting words emerge. The experience over three days of sitting all together was like this cool, windy afternoon today, sun and shadow dancing with the bobbing leaves. We danced like that in our hearts, called to (re)invent our relationship to ourselves, to [...]


Par |2015-10-02T16:24:09+01:00avril 21st, 2011|Textes|

Off to Portugal this morning for retreat. We will celebrate a ceremony Monday around noon Portugal time (GMT) for several people receiving the precepts (jukai). All welcome to sit with us, wherever you are at that time (or another time).

Stones just as they are

Par |2015-10-02T16:24:21+01:00avril 20th, 2011|Textes|

Feels like summer here these days, me between trips and the temperatures high and the sky blue blue blue. Only the calender doesn't fit in the picture. And what picture might that be? The picture that I make of what I think is the picture. Yesterday I visited fields of great boulders that have been [...]

Méditation à Paris/weekly meditation in Paris

Par |2015-10-08T17:33:56+01:00avril 20th, 2011|La pratique Zen|

Les lundis soirs, 20h-22h méditation et entretiens (interviews) avec Amy Sensei 4 Passage Courtois 75011 Paris (porte gauche, interphone 'maison', dernière étage) Tél. 06 10 87 82 19 (Joa) Les vendredis soirs, 19h45-21h15 méditation et enseignement (talk) avec Amy Sensei Red Earth Centre 235 rue Lafayette 75010 Paris code A153B au fond de la cour, [...]

Temporary indeed

Par |2015-10-02T16:24:35+01:00avril 14th, 2011|Textes|

A direct experience of these most temporal words: The whole thing disappeared for two days! Or did it? As with the nature of all things, we could not "see" "it," but "it" was/is there all along. Temporarily. And wider than the sky. If you came and didn't find the words, welcome back. If you had [...]

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