Archives annuelles : 2011

mars 2011

février 2011

Glimpse at times passed

Par |2017-04-04T06:58:18+01:00février 28th, 2011|Textes|

Something strange and poignant experienced at a birthday party the other night for two people, one 50 years old, the other 60. I'm acquainted with these people only by marriage, people my husband knew years and years ago. The evening consisted mainly of eating and drinking and watching old videos from plays they had all [...]

Pen and ink

Par |2017-04-04T06:58:18+01:00février 27th, 2011|Textes|

A busy week, following the "daily" news at home and abroad - pathetic governmental doings in France and the ongoing bloodbath in Libya. Back to routine home life as the family returned from winter holidays in the mountains. Did my obligatory wage-earning stints for three days. Was somewhat surprised to discover that the "structure" of [...]

The bite makes the apple whole

Par |2015-10-02T16:41:37+01:00février 26th, 2011|Textes|

In an article I read recently, someone explains how Apple has succeeded in the computer and high-tech world by following what the writer calls the Zen notion of "leaving things out," rather than adding many features, in the innovative products that they introduce --- everything from the iMac without a floppy disk drive to the [...]

Bearing witness

Par |2015-10-02T16:41:58+01:00février 22nd, 2011|Textes|

Had added a version of this as a reply to a comment on the previous post, but it feels important enough to merit an entry of its own here... Sorry to repeat for those who've already read it below. Bearing witness, whether to joy or to suffering, means just being here WITH it, rather than [...]

Retreat notes, VI (One infinite territory)

Par |2017-04-04T06:58:18+01:00février 19th, 2011|La pratique Zen|

Rain has been coming down all day, off and on, laced with a chilling edge. Late afternoon, and it's hard to imagine that it's warm and sunny somewhere, or snow-bound, or deep, dark night. Of course it is, however, and of course I can't "know" it unless I'm there. What does it mean to be [...]

Retreat notes, V (Open and connected)

Par |2017-04-04T06:58:18+01:00février 18th, 2011|La pratique Zen|

Our "fifth day" is coming to an end for me here in Montreuil. We had our usual evening sitting at the Red Earth Centre and much lively discussion. I noticed that I was much less tired than usual on Friday nights. Seems I'm energized by this retreat. Not surprising. We've all been delving into our [...]

Retreat notes, IV (Hearing pain)

Par |2015-10-03T16:44:39+01:00février 17th, 2011|La pratique Zen|

Day 4 of our retreat, Thursday, another day at the office. There was time for a short morning sitting, a bit of "stillness practice," before leaving home, unlike yesterday. And then it was into the "movement practice" of the world and its array of daily motion. We think we know it so well! And yet... [...]

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