Archives annuelles : 2011

août 2011

juillet 2011

Give and let live

Par |2017-04-04T06:58:17+01:00juillet 24th, 2011|Textes|

In the course of doing some translation work this afternoon, I come across a reference to an Indian people of the Pacific Northwest of North America, a people called the Kwakwaka'wakw, for whom wealth and status were not determined by how much you had, but by how much you had to give away. "The status [...]

Modern in a summer lull

Par |2017-04-04T06:58:17+01:00juillet 18th, 2011|Textes|

A lull in postings corresponds, it would seem, to lazy summer. Perhaps a kind of "retreat" from the usual patterns of my days? And then suddenly it is obvious: Whatever I write or don't write always "corresponds" to the particularities of the singular moment at hand. It's like Bataille says of art, that all true [...]

World whirled/Whirled world (Summer)

Par |2015-10-02T16:16:25+01:00juillet 11th, 2011|Textes|

In the middle of all this daily doing, hectic with activity, I long to just not "do" a thing. My time will come, I think. Playing tourist guide to a visiting relative day after day tries my patience, even if it means wandering through the most beautiful city in the world, the only place on [...]

Befriending heat and rain

Par |2015-10-02T16:16:37+01:00juillet 5th, 2011|Textes|

After another hot day, a storm appears to be brewing. I sit down for a moment with that. Just that: accumulated heat and impending rain. I rest in it, "befriend" it as someone said to me the other night in response to the question, "How do you make peace?" I read earlier someone's "Dharma Dare," [...]

Méditation hebdomadaire/weekly meditation

Par |2015-10-12T16:17:47+01:00juillet 2nd, 2011|Textes|

Les lundis soirs, 20h-22h méditation et entretiens (interviews) avec Amy Sensei 4 Passage Courtois 75011 Paris (porte gauche, interphone 'maison', dernière étage) Tél. 06 10 87 82 19 (Joa) Les vendredis soirs, 19h45-21h15 méditation et enseignement (talk) avec Amy Sensei Red Earth Centre 235 rue Lafayette 75010 Paris code 13B12 au fond de la cour, [...]

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