Evening. A bird sings in the tree outside my window. One word for such a moment might be « sweet. »
But the word is not the moment.
A poem I quoted yesterday:
A man pulling radishes
points the way
with a radish.
How do you point the way?
Evening. A bird sings in the tree outside my window. One word for such a moment might be « sweet. »
But the word is not the moment.
A poem I quoted yesterday:
A man pulling radishes
points the way
with a radish.
How do you point the way?
Once i had a very difficult period for a long time. Things were realy sad – even black sometimes. On a certain point i got completely desoriented. Not knowing what to believe anymore. Not knowing anything anymore.
And then all of the sudden, out of the blue, a kind of weard joy came to me. A joy without reason. Light. Ungraspable. Even not mine? For not a thing is ours? But still: there. A joy that has to do with things just being there. Appearing. Present. Fresh. In their essence. For everything is essence. Radical.
What can be more radical then pulling a radish?
And – what is "the way"?
I wake up in the morning and have breakfast. Work a little and then lunch. Write a paper in the afternoon and, if not raining, go for a straw in the garden. The night comes and dinner is on the table. A bit more work, a drink with friends. Sleep.
by everything ?
– all is the way?
words are ‘the lies’ ? – we use to talk about ‘the thruth’ ? – that is allready gone…
question is : why are we so addicted to them?
would our lives be more sincere with half of them? or even less?
so: are man more sincere then woman? (smile)