Archives annuelles : 2016

novembre 2016

Heart of Life/Coeur de la vie: Day/Jour I

Par |2016-11-27T23:35:50+01:00novembre 28th, 2016|Retraites au coeur de la vie|

Good morning from Montreuil. Quietly awakening here with some green tea and the cat, thinking of all you other retreat participants (those who signed up to join and those who didn't): We're all in this together. I like that thought. But wait a minute... Who is "we"? If I expand my notion of "we," where [...]

A perfect place to begin

Par |2016-11-27T16:57:00+01:00novembre 27th, 2016|Retraites au coeur de la vie, Textes|

Sunday afternoon in Montreuil, overcast sky. Unlike this morning, when there was a brilliant sun illuminating the Place Jean Jaurès, which was filled with people buying bread, groceries, flowers, the Sunday papers, visiting the Christmas market in the chill. I was again struck by how different this neighborhood has become since I moved here 20 [...]

The day after: Yes we (still) can

Par |2017-04-04T06:58:11+01:00novembre 10th, 2016|Textes|

So very difficult to know what to say today and how. And yet I know, like it says in the title of a Japanese Zen master's book: You have to say something. So I will say something, and it's quite simple: Today, my outrage and that of millions and millions of other Americans is unfathomable. As [...]

octobre 2016

septembre 2016

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