Archives mensuelles : juin 2019

juin 2019

Heart of Life / Coeur de la vie: Day / Jour V

Par |2019-06-28T16:32:50+01:00juin 28th, 2019|La pratique Zen, Retraites au coeur de la vie|

Finally back at my desk with time to write. Sorry for the late posting, and the stand-by text below. Maybe some of you weren't even aware of that text? We just never know what will arise, nor what will fall away. So anyway... It's our fifth and final day of this Heart of Life/Coeur [...]

Heart of Life / Coeur de la vie: Day / Jour IV

Par |2019-06-27T11:15:05+01:00juin 27th, 2019|La pratique Zen, Retraites au coeur de la vie|

After meditation in the garden again this morning, sit down at my desk and decide to throw open my windows, letting the lovely cool of early day - and the bubbling flow of life "outside" - drift in on a delicious summer breeze. I know this won't be possible later, when the intense afternoon heat [...]

Heart of Life / Coeur de la vie: Day / Jour III

Par |2019-06-26T12:08:31+01:00juin 26th, 2019|La pratique Zen, Retraites au coeur de la vie|

Meditation this morning in our garden in Montreuil. Sitting in a red metal chair facing explosive flourishing of what we call "nature" - innumerable flowers in bloom whose names I don't know, lush grasses, short shrubs and ferns, delicate young saplings, stronger older trees, some towering, others smaller yet grandly standing tall - fig, [...]

Heart of Life / Coeur de la vie: Day / Jour II

Par |2019-06-25T11:53:23+01:00juin 25th, 2019|La pratique Zen, Retraites au coeur de la vie|

Everything is in its place. I had hoped to post something here much earlier today. But after sitting I was then busy all morning speaking with students via Skype. Which meant that I had to let go of my goal. If I had not dropped it, I would not have been present with the [...]

Heart of Life / Coeur de la vie: Day / Jour I

Par |2019-06-24T14:38:56+01:00juin 24th, 2019|La pratique Zen, Retraites au coeur de la vie|

Already deep into afternoon here in Montreuil, and, amid a heat wave, I'm wishing everyone a fine day. Had a night of restless and little sleep, troubled by the thick heat throughout the night and by a mosquito that bit me time and again. I'd like to think the mosquito was satisfied, even if [...]

Right Here, Right Now

Par |2019-06-23T14:59:45+01:00juin 23rd, 2019|La pratique Zen, Retraites au coeur de la vie|

This hot summer Sunday afternoon in Paris finds me at my desk, typing this post on the eve of our Heart of Life Retreat. Probably nowhere else I'd rather be at this moment. Right now, this is my life. Right here, this is my practice. In a Zen koan, a student asks a teacher: [...]

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