Retraites au coeur de la vie

juin 2018

Heart of Life/Coeur de la vie: Day I

Par |2018-06-18T08:13:15+01:00juin 18th, 2018|Retraites au coeur de la vie, Textes|

  Quiet morning here at my desk, except for the rumble of the street-cleaning truck, first ear-splittingly loud and then slowly fading as it makes its way up the avenue. After an initial fright, the cat is finally not bothered, sleeping soundly now on the chair behind me, breathing peacefully in and out. So [...]

Here is the place; here the way unfolds

Par |2018-06-17T21:28:10+01:00juin 17th, 2018|Retraites au coeur de la vie, Textes|

Lovely June evening in Paris, just finished dinner of roast chicken, salad, strawberries in the garden with friends. Thinking, too, about the start of our Retreat in the Heart of Life tomorrow. And of the news of the day, including the boat full of migrants, Aquarius, that was finally allowed to land in Spain [...]

novembre 2017

Heart of Life/Coeur de la vie: Day/Jour V

Par |2017-11-02T23:35:24+01:00novembre 3rd, 2017|Retraites au coeur de la vie, Textes|

Good morning, fellow retreat participants. This is our "last" day in the heart of life. Give it all you've got! What a funny concept that is: "the last day in the heart of life." D.T. Suzuki said that concepts like that and conceptual thought in general are like scaffolding that we construct around our moment-to-moment [...]

Heart of Life/Coeur de la vie: Day/Jour IV

Par |2017-11-02T00:38:27+01:00novembre 2nd, 2017|Retraites au coeur de la vie, Textes|

So now I'm having to write this entry and post it Wednesday night, before going to bed, because I have to set off early Thursday morning for my work at the refugee center. Which means I can reflect on the day that is now ending, hazy moon high in the sky: quiet holiday in France, [...]

Heart of Life/Coeur de la vie: Day/Jour III

Par |2017-11-01T00:51:52+01:00novembre 1st, 2017|Retraites au coeur de la vie, Textes|

Wish I didn't have to write these posts first thing in the morning. I'd love to sit back and let the day unfold, then reflect on it all in the evening. But I need to let that go. It's more important that I put something here to get our new retreat day started. Today, I'm again [...]

octobre 2017

Heart of Life/Coeur de la vie: Day/Jour II

Par |2017-10-31T08:19:40+01:00octobre 31st, 2017|Retraites au coeur de la vie, Textes|

Morning again in Montreuil, a new day with cat and tea. Brilliant sun, impeccable blue sky. Loved reading everyone's posts from Day I. I want to hear more and more of your stories. Seems I can't get enough, there's so much to report. Keep it coming, in English, French, Portuguese, Flemish, German...! Myself, I can't [...]

Heart of Life/Coeur de la vie: Day/Jour I

Par |2017-10-29T15:55:29+01:00octobre 30th, 2017|Retraites au coeur de la vie, Textes|

This is the first day of our retreat, the morning of the last Monday in October. Here in Montreuil, I'm having some tea with the cat before heading into the activities of the day -- sitting, Skype appointments, paperwork, Portuguese lesson (sim, é verdade!), more sitting. After the time change here in Europe, sun is [...]

Back Home

Par |2017-10-28T16:59:59+01:00octobre 28th, 2017|Retraites au coeur de la vie, Textes|

After a very long break due to the woes of computer technology, I'm finally returning to my beloved zenscribe posts! And keeping my fingers crossed that this post will in fact appear: I discovered just now that nothing in the interface looks like it did before... Change happens, of course, everywhere, every moment. Everything is [...]

décembre 2016

Another day

Par |2017-04-04T06:58:11+01:00décembre 3rd, 2016|Retraites au coeur de la vie|

Only a few minutes to make an entry here this morning before heading to the weekend retreat. So no original image (for the moment), which is "intentional" if only because I have no time to add one. Our weekly talk last night after sitting was something about tracing one's unique, invisible, clear, precise, mysterious path [...]

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