
août 2007


Par |2015-10-02T19:57:38+01:00août 7th, 2007|Textes|

L'ÉCLAIR ME DURE... Comment dire ma liberté, ma surprise, au terme de mille détours: il n'y a pas de fond, il n'y pas de plafond. René Char (THE LIGHTENING REMAINS WITH ME How to express my freedom, my surprise, after a thousand detours: there is no bottom, there is no top.)

juillet 2007

At this very moment

Par |2015-10-02T19:57:16+01:00juillet 26th, 2007|Textes|

Individuals, just as they are, reveal the unity of Buddhas and beings, without inside or outside. It is wholly manifested at this very moment, in this very place. Gesshu Zenji, 17th-century Zen master

Ignorance, la suprême connaissance (the supreme knowledge)

Par |2015-10-02T19:56:47+01:00juillet 15th, 2007|Textes|

"Qu'est-ce que le Tao? Au-dessous de toutes les formes, ce qui n'a pas de forme, ce qui voit sans yeux, ce qui guide sans savoir, l'ignorance qui est la suprême connaissance." Paul Claudel (dans Cinq méditations sur la beauté, de François Cheng) ("What is the Tao? Above all forms, that which is formless, which sees [...]

juin 2007

The very beginning mind itself

Par |2017-04-04T06:58:23+01:00juin 27th, 2007|Textes|

"The very beginning mind itself is the most accomplished mind of true enlightenment." (Avatamsaka Sutra) Present once more after absence imposed by the technicalities of our information age. Im-posed? Only im-position is that of the unposed stillness of ever-never-moving in endless motion. Now: time and place is always right. Just trust it. Ulysses: still: work [...]

mai 2007

Back from the Old Country

Par |2017-04-04T06:58:23+01:00mai 28th, 2007|Textes|

Back from an inspiring pilgrimage to the old country, to the mother temple, ZCLA. How marvelous! So many, so much, Simply All one. Have a look at how/who we were/are (thanks to Peter/Kuku): www.stilltv.com/2007/zcla/ *** This, from Dogen Zenji on the Lotus Sutra (in The Hazy Moon of Enlightenment by Taizan Maezumi and Bernie Glassman): [...]

The all-pervading triptych

Par |2015-10-02T19:53:47+01:00mai 8th, 2007|Textes|

Three fundamentals of meditation, which correspond to Joyce's three points concerning appreciation of a work of art (see "Beholding" entry below) and also three points of a triangle, and an egg, for that matter: - Do not centralize your attention inward, do not cling to or identify with thoughts, sensations, perceptions. - Do not seek [...]

avril 2007

Seek the Dharma, not success

Par |2015-10-02T19:53:23+01:00avril 17th, 2007|Textes|

Found in Au jour le jour, Ariane Mnouchkine's rehearsal notes for Les Éphémères (The Ephemerals): "Il faut que j'arrive à me dire que mon devoir c'est de chercher le théâtre, ce n'est pas de chercher le succès." ("I must be able to say to myself that my duty is to seek theater, not to seek [...]

mars 2007

Cutting the flux/Découper le flux

Par |2015-10-02T19:52:38+01:00mars 1st, 2007|Textes|

"Quand nous conceptualisons, nous découpons et nous fixons, en éliminant tout ce que nous n'avons pas fixé. Un concept désigne un 'cela-et-rien-d'autre.' " "When we conceptualize, we cut and fix, eliminating everything that we have not fixed. A concept designates a 'this-and-nothing-else.' " --- William James, "A Pluralistic Universe" (Un univers pluraliste)

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