Just Listen
A journalist once asked Mother Teresa what she said to God when praying. “Nothing,” she replied, “I just listen.” Surprised, the journalist then asked, “So what does God say to you?” “Nothing,” Mother Teresa replied. “He just listens.”
A journalist once asked Mother Teresa what she said to God when praying. “Nothing,” she replied, “I just listen.” Surprised, the journalist then asked, “So what does God say to you?” “Nothing,” Mother Teresa replied. “He just listens.”
Back after 10 days of North Sea retreat peregrinations, sand-swept and snow-flaked in abundance. Again, that old salty dog Genpo Roshi sent the roof off. How shapely is mind! How vast its flow! See us all falling, falling, all Maha, all Ameland, all round and round in the Big Wind at http://www.stilltv.com/2007/ameland
A monk asked T'ou-tzu, "Old Year is gone and New Year has arrived; is there one thing that has no relation whatever to either of the two, or not?" The master answered, "Yes." The monk asked, "What is it?" The master said, "With the ushering of New Year, the entire world looks rejuvenated, and all [...]
The important point is not to try to escape your life but to face it - exactly and completely, beyond discussing whether or not your zazen or your situation is good or bad, right or wrong. This is all you have to do. --- Dainin Katagiri Roshi, You Have to Say Something (Shambhala, 2000)
(English translation in progress) extrait du discours, Bodhidharma’s Wake-Up Sermon fait à Montreuil, le 30 décembre 2005 par Amy Hollowell Sensei Récemment, j’étais au cirque avec mon fils et mon mari. Il y avait beaucoup de monde et nous avons eu des places qui étaient un peu derrière un poteau. Le chapiteau était organisé en [...]
A monk asked, "What is the one word?" Joshu said, "If you hold on to one word, it will make an old man of you." --- The Recorded Sayings of Zen Master Joshu (Altamira Press, 1998)
Amy Hollowell Sensei is one of three dharma heirs, or successors, of the French Zen master Catherine Genno Pagès Roshi, who founded Dana Zen Center in Montreuil, France, in 1994. Genno Roshi is a second-generation dharma heir of the late Taizan Maezumi Roshi, founder of Zen Center of Los Angeles and the White Plum Asangha. [...]
Il y a une pratique qui consiste à expérimenter dans son assise l'état de ce que l'on appelle je-ne-sais-pas. Ce n'est qu'une technique, et non un but. Il existe des pratiques qui consistent à identifier les choses: On entend un son et on dit "un oiseau," "une voiture," "une horloge" --- on identifie les choses, [...]
Seeing through the mundane and witnessing the sublime is less than an eye-blink away. Realization is now. Why worry about gray hair? --- Bodhidharma