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As the bee collects nectar and departs without injuring the flower, or its color or its scent, so let the sage dwell in the village. --- Dhammapada
As the bee collects nectar and departs without injuring the flower, or its color or its scent, so let the sage dwell in the village. --- Dhammapada
It's like this: The high plateau does not produce lotus flowers; it is the mire of the low swamplands that produces these flowers. Vimalakurti (C'est comme ceci: Le haut plateau ne produit pas les fleurs de lotus; c'est la boue des marécages en-bas qui produit ces fleurs.)
Life at my age is not easy, but spring is beautiful and so is love. Sigmund Freud, on the occasion of his 80th birthday, in a letter to H.D.
A week behind the mountains in Portugal. With our hearts, birdsong and the moon rose bright and full. Sky vast by night and day, a cool breeze and a rustle in the trees. Sun and shade, sitting and walking, inside and out: the golden river Douro offers its caress to both of its banks. A [...]
L'ÉCLAIR ME DURE... Comment dire ma liberté, ma surprise, au terme de mille détours: il n'y a pas de fond, il n'y pas de plafond. René Char (THE LIGHTENING REMAINS WITH ME How to express my freedom, my surprise, after a thousand detours: there is no bottom, there is no top.)
Individuals, just as they are, reveal the unity of Buddhas and beings, without inside or outside. It is wholly manifested at this very moment, in this very place. Gesshu Zenji, 17th-century Zen master
"Qu'est-ce que le Tao? Au-dessous de toutes les formes, ce qui n'a pas de forme, ce qui voit sans yeux, ce qui guide sans savoir, l'ignorance qui est la suprême connaissance." Paul Claudel (dans Cinq méditations sur la beauté, de François Cheng) ("What is the Tao? Above all forms, that which is formless, which sees [...]
Homeric link: Hades/Hadès Scene: The Graveyard/la cimetière Hour: 11 a.m./11 heures Organ: Heart/coeur Art: Religion/religion Colors: White, Black/blanc, noir Symbol: Caretaker/gardien With this visit to the underworld - Glasnevin Cemetery, the heart of Dublin, the city of the dead - Joyce concludes his second triad of episodes. Here the seemingly separate movements of Stephen and [...]
L'automne va plus vite, en avant, en arrière, que le râteau du jardinier. --- René Char, extrait du poème A.M.H. (The autumn goes faster, forward, backward, than the gardener's rake.)
"The very beginning mind itself is the most accomplished mind of true enlightenment." (Avatamsaka Sutra) Present once more after absence imposed by the technicalities of our information age. Im-posed? Only im-position is that of the unposed stillness of ever-never-moving in endless motion. Now: time and place is always right. Just trust it. Ulysses: still: work [...]
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