
septembre 2009

Points of meeting

Par |2017-04-04T06:58:20+01:00septembre 28th, 2009|Textes|

Skimming the headlines, I see this: "Finding order in the chaos of currents." I wonder if it's referring to something like Bernie Glassman's Order of Disorder. Somehow I don't think so. Quite a project, this chaos vs. order in the flow of things as they are. Like the way of the bodhisattva: What are we [...]

Crossing the bridge at Jaurès

Par |2015-10-02T12:42:55+01:00septembre 26th, 2009|Textes|

Last night crossing the bridge at Jaurès, I see the half-moon brilliant over the Canal St. Martin. As the light floods me in the cool dark, I am fathomless as the ocean, without border or breath. I'm smiling when companions introduce me to someone I've never seen before, but I know her already and all [...]

Over my shoulder, a chestnut tree

Par |2017-04-04T06:58:20+01:00septembre 24th, 2009|Textes|

This afternoon I cross the Montparnasse cemetery, sit for awhile on a bench. The trees are so splendid! Already in the crowded Metro moments before I had been filled with joy, riding with the others, strangers every one, sharing this life with them all together. Each touched me as they were. Then in the rue [...]

Make do with everything

Par |2015-10-02T12:44:06+01:00septembre 21st, 2009|Textes|

It's the day before the first day of autumn. A friend abroad has brought news that his wife is expecting their second child. My old aunt is seriously ill in America. France is abuzz with a government scandal, full of intrigue and skullduggery. This murky tale is (ironically) known as "Clearstream." I'm seeking something. But [...]

Waiting freely

Par |2015-10-02T12:44:41+01:00septembre 17th, 2009|Textes|

I come to a page and wait for the words. As they come and don't I know that they come and don't but I don't know when or how or what. I only must not be pinned down by waiting. I must wait freely, largely, silently. Silence is not what I think it is. I [...]

Jim Carroll Died

Par |2017-04-04T06:58:20+01:00septembre 15th, 2009|Textes|

The poet and punk rocker Jim Carroll (famous for writing The Basketball Diaries) died on Friday at the age of 60. He lived hard and fast, died young and fast. He was wild and free and often scared the shit out of me. He was raw and on the edge, a junkie staring into the [...]

Hungry ghost tales (II)

Par |2017-04-04T06:58:20+01:00septembre 15th, 2009|Textes|

In the rue Daguerre again today, passed the old books/new accessories shop. I see stenciled on the window: commerce equitable. When "hungry ghost" "delusion" is transformed, it becomes equanimity. An enriching presence. Maybe next time I'll go inside.

My air is your air

Par |2015-10-02T12:46:15+01:00septembre 13th, 2009|Textes|

This story in the newspaper tonight: "In the past five years, companies and workplaces have violated pollution laws more than 500,000 times. But most polluters have escaped punishment." And my sitting practice in recent days has been to remember and experience with each breath that we are all breathing the same air. In other words, [...]

Hungry ghost tales (I)

Par |2017-04-04T06:58:20+01:00septembre 12th, 2009|Textes|

A telling tale from the realm of hungry ghosts: In the middle of summer, a small used-book shop on the Left Bank, in the rue Daguerre, announced that it would be closing. The owner said he had no choice but to close; he couldn't sell enough second-hand books to make a living and pay the [...]

With You All Along

Par |2015-10-02T12:47:17+01:00septembre 10th, 2009|Textes|

Colleagues are ordering out for coffee this morning. I decline; I don't drink coffee, only tea. Someone says he only drinks coffee as a distraction. That's why everyone drinks coffee, I say, or tea, for that matter. Someone else objects; no, it's a drug, he says. Yes, I say, and drugs are a distraction, a [...]

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