mars 2020
Retreat in the Time of Coronavirus
So here we are, in the midst of fear and uncertainty, stress and anxiety, wondering what to do in this unsettling time for us all. Because you're reading these words, you have already made [...]
juin 2019
Heart of Life / Coeur de la vie: Day / Jour V
Finally back at my desk with time to write. Sorry for the late posting, and the stand-by text below. Maybe some of you weren't even aware of that text? We just never know what [...]
Heart of Life / Coeur de la vie: Day / Jour IV
After meditation in the garden again this morning, sit down at my desk and decide to throw open my windows, letting the lovely cool of early day - and the bubbling flow of life "outside" [...]
Heart of Life / Coeur de la vie: Day / Jour III
Meditation this morning in our garden in Montreuil. Sitting in a red metal chair facing explosive flourishing of what we call "nature" - innumerable flowers in bloom whose names I don't know, lush grasses, [...]
Heart of Life / Coeur de la vie: Day / Jour II
Everything is in its place. I had hoped to post something here much earlier today. But after sitting I was then busy all morning speaking with students via Skype. Which meant that I had [...]
Heart of Life / Coeur de la vie: Day / Jour I
Already deep into afternoon here in Montreuil, and, amid a heat wave, I'm wishing everyone a fine day. Had a night of restless and little sleep, troubled by the thick heat throughout the night [...]
Right Here, Right Now
This hot summer Sunday afternoon in Paris finds me at my desk, typing this post on the eve of our Heart of Life Retreat. Probably nowhere else I'd rather be at this moment. Right [...]
novembre 2018
Heart of Life/Coeur de la vie: The Day After/Le jour d’après
Evening has fallen almost unnoticed. I was surfing the web, as we say, catching up on the news of the day. Not much of note to report on that front. Earlier, we gently wrapped [...]
Heart of Life/Coeur de la vie: Day/Jour V
Posting a bit later today. No meeting to run to. My nose is still congested. Outside my window, it seems to be foggy again. Yesterday, the top half of the Eiffel Tower appeared to [...]
Heart of Life/Coeur de la vie: Day/Jour IV
Getting an earlier start on my post this morning, Day IV of our retreat, because of the shape my day is taking. I have a meeting at 10 a.m. far from home and I [...]
Heart of Life/Coeur de la vie: Day/Jour III
It's Day III of our retreat. Heartfelt thanks to those who have posted experiences and reflections. We are nearly 70 participants in this retreat (the most ever!), and we're all grateful for your words. [...]
Heart of Life/Coeur de la vie: Day/Jour II
Another busy morning here in Montreuil, where today there is sun instead of rain. My nose is running. I've already had two cups of black tea. A friend is coming soon for lunch and [...]
Heart of Life/Coeur de la vie: Day/Jour I
Here in Montreuil, my morning on this first day of our retreat has been busy. After a short meditation session, I've been managing late registrations for the retreat in between breakfast, the usual morning routine, [...]
Heart of Sunday (afternoon)
Wet, cold and gray Sunday afternoon here in Montreuil. Today is the 100th anniversary of the end of World War I. That anniversary reminds me to bear witness to what happens when we don't [...]
The passing of Bernie Glassman
The great Bernie Glassman, one of my Zen teachers, died Sunday morning in the United States. I'm still reeling a bit, three days after the news first reached me, in Portugal, hours after [...]
octobre 2018
Une toile fraîche
Vu lundi soir dans la rue, Paris 11, coin du passage Courtois et rue Léon Frot (traduction: Merci pour cette toile fraîche). Ce mur, en effet. Mais pas seulement: tout l'univers est une [...]
Un bouquet d’écriture et méditation
De retour à Montreuil après une merveilleuse semaine d'écriture et médiation dans le Limousin, au centre Dechen Choling. Toujours un immense plaisir de partager cette aventure avec d'autres personnes qui souhaitent plonger dans l'inconnu [...]
juin 2018
I Can’t Do It Without You
Today I've had a quiet Sunday at home, a much-needed break from all the activity of leading you in this retreat all week. I felt lazy like my cat, sleeping curled up [...]
Heart of Life/Coeur de la vie: Day V
On this "last" day of our retreat, I'm wondering how everyone is doing and what everyone is doing, what you have experienced this week, with the vows you made and all the rest. If [...]
Heart of Life/Coeur de la vie: Day IV
Today, June 21, is the longest day of the year. And it's a day that I particularly love, particularly in Paris. The city is at its best this time of year, tree-lined boulevards and [...]