Opening to the art of life

a workshop with Amy Hollowell Sensei,
poet and founder of the Wild Flower Zen Sangha

Nov. 27-28
Saturday: 14h-18
Sunday: 9h30-18h
75€ (85€ for registration after Nov. 10)
(in French and English)

Zen art is simply the expression of our natural presence, here and now. Starting with a single line, a single step, a single word, it arises spontaneously from a perspective of no perspective, from a heart and mind that exclude nothing. “Artistic practice” is the practice of life itself. Being alive means being creative.
In this workshop, we explore through the foundation of meditation and a variety of exercises the moment-to-moment experience of our body and mind as we write, draw, move, discovering the art of life and revealing the whole of life as art.

Information and registration: zenscribe@free.fr