janvier 2007
“Ulysses,” Episode 2: Reading notes
Homeric link/lien avec Homère: Nestor Place/lieu: The school/l’école Hour/heure: 10 a.m. Color/couleur: Brown/maron Body part/partie du corps: none/aucun Art: History Symbol: Horse/cheval Episode 2 begins with Stephen teaching a history lesson at Mr. Deasy’s school [...]
Form of forms/forme des formes
Thought is the thought of thought. Tranquil brightness. The soul is in a manner all that is: the soul is the form of forms. Tranquility sudden, vast, candescent: form of forms. La pensée est la [...]
Old Year, New Year
A monk asked T'ou-tzu, "Old Year is gone and New Year has arrived; is there one thing that has no relation whatever to either of the two, or not?" The master answered, "Yes." The monk [...]
décembre 2006
The point of no escape
The important point is not to try to escape your life but to face it - exactly and completely, beyond discussing whether or not your zazen or your situation is good or bad, right or [...]
« Ulysse » épisode 1: notes de lecture
Episode 1 schéma de Joyce: Homeric link/Lien avec Homer: Telemachus/Télémaque Time/Heure: 8 h, le matin Place/Lieu: Martello Tower Color: white, gold/blanc, or Body part/partie du corps: none/aucun Art: Theology Symbol: Heir/héritier Quand Ulysse commence, il [...]
La forme bien faite d’Ulysse
La narration d’Ulysse est construite en 18 épisodes, qui sont ensuite divisés en trois parties: I. Les trois premiers épisodes sont consacrés principalement à Stephen Dedalus, qui représente les domaines intellectuels et spirituels, le monde [...]
« Ulysses » episode 1: reading notes
Episode 1 Joyce's schema for episode 1: Homeric link/Lien avec Homer: Telemachus/Télémaque Time/Heure: 8 a.m. Place/Lieu: Martello Tower Color: white, gold/blanc, or Body part/partie du corps: none/aucun Art: Theology Symbol: Heir/héritier When Ulysses begins, it [...]
The Shapely Shape of »Ulysses »
The narrative of Ulysses is laid out in 18 episodes, which are then divided into three parts: I. The first three episodes are devoted to Stephen Dedalus, who represents the intellect, the spiritual, the world [...]
www.wildflowerzen.org Wild Flower Zen Sangha's Web site http://sanghazenpt.wordpress.com Wild Flower Zen Sangha (Portugal) www.dana-sangha.org Dana Sangha, center of Catherine Genno Pagès Roshi, Amy Sensei's teacher www.whiteplum.org White Plum Asangha www.bigbridge.org Webzine featuring poetry, fiction/nonfiction, reviews, [...]
Joyce’s at-onement adventure
Joyce’s Ulysses, like Homer’s Odyssey or Dante’s Divine Comedy, can be read as an “allegory of the wanderings of the soul,” a voyage along the path of awakening. In Joyce’s tale, life is an infinitely [...]
l’Aventure Joycienne vers « at-onement »
Ulysse de Joyce, comme l’Odyssée d’Homère ou La Divine Comédie de Dante, peut être lu comme “une allégorie des pérégrinations de l’âme,” un voyage sur le chemin de l’éveil. Dans l’histoire de Joyce, la vie [...]
« Ulysse » de Joyce : Shikantaza sur le Liffey
"Ulysse," de James Joyce, publié pour la première fois en 1922, à Paris, dans une édition limitée, est généralement considéré comme l’une des plus grands oeuvres en prose (sinon la plus grande) du 20ème siècle, [...]
What word?/Quel mot?
"What is that word known to all men? I am quiet here alone. Sad too. Touch, touch me." --- James Joyce, "Ulysses" "Quel est ce mot connu de tous les hommes? Je suis tranquille ici [...]
novembre 2006
L’essence de la voie, c’est “oui”
(English translation in progress) extrait du discours, Bodhidharma’s Wake-Up Sermon fait à Montreuil, le 30 décembre 2005 par Amy Hollowell Sensei Récemment, j’étais au cirque avec mon fils et mon mari. Il y avait beaucoup [...]
Joyce’s « Ulysses: » Shikantaza on the Liffey
James Joyce’s "Ulysses," first published in 1922, in a limited edition in Paris, is generally recognized as one of the 20th century’s greatest works of prose (if not the greatest) in the English language. It [...]
One Word
A monk asked, "What is the one word?" Joshu said, "If you hold on to one word, it will make an old man of you." --- The Recorded Sayings of Zen Master Joshu (Altamira Press, [...]
Resistance is difficult, not change
Sky is gray in Paris. Garden a galaxy of colors. Grass still green; some leaves drop, some hold. Pee ocher yellow green new daily. Paws wet, the tan cat comes in from the rain. Road [...]
Cease to strive/Cesse de lutter
"Kind air defined the coigns of houses in Kildare street. No birds. Frail from the housetops two plumes of smoke ascended, pluming, and in a flaw of softness softly were blown. Cease to strive. Peace [...]
Stumbling on the Perfect Way
Chance furnishes me what I need. I am like a man who stumbles along; my foot strikes something, I bend over and it is exactly what I want. --- James Joyce
Hold to the now
"Hold to the now, the here, through which all future plunges to the past." --- James Joyce, "Ulysses"
Alexis says:
Alexis says:
Alexis says: