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janvier 2007

“Ulysses,” Episode 2: Reading notes

By |janvier 16th, 2007|Categories: Art et Zen|

Homeric link/lien avec Homère: Nestor Place/lieu: The school/l’école Hour/heure: 10 a.m. Color/couleur: Brown/maron Body part/partie du corps: none/aucun Art: History Symbol: Horse/cheval Episode 2 begins with Stephen teaching a history lesson at Mr. Deasy’s school [...]

Form of forms/forme des formes

By |janvier 15th, 2007|Categories: Art et Zen|

Thought is the thought of thought. Tranquil brightness. The soul is in a manner all that is: the soul is the form of forms. Tranquility sudden, vast, candescent: form of forms. La pensée est la [...]

Old Year, New Year

By |janvier 3rd, 2007|Categories: Textes|

A monk asked T'ou-tzu, "Old Year is gone and New Year has arrived; is there one thing that has no relation whatever to either of the two, or not?" The master answered, "Yes." The monk [...]

décembre 2006

The point of no escape

By |décembre 18th, 2006|Categories: Textes|

The important point is not to try to escape your life but to face it - exactly and completely, beyond discussing whether or not your zazen or your situation is good or bad, right or [...]

« Ulysse » épisode 1: notes de lecture

By |décembre 14th, 2006|Categories: Art et Zen|

Episode 1 schéma de Joyce: Homeric link/Lien avec Homer: Telemachus/Télémaque Time/Heure: 8 h, le matin Place/Lieu: Martello Tower Color: white, gold/blanc, or Body part/partie du corps: none/aucun Art: Theology Symbol: Heir/héritier Quand Ulysse commence, il [...]

La forme bien faite d’Ulysse

By |décembre 14th, 2006|Categories: Art et Zen|

La narration d’Ulysse est construite en 18 épisodes, qui sont ensuite divisés en trois parties: I. Les trois premiers épisodes sont consacrés principalement à Stephen Dedalus, qui représente les domaines intellectuels et spirituels, le monde [...]

« Ulysses » episode 1: reading notes

By |décembre 13th, 2006|Categories: Art et Zen|

Episode 1 Joyce's schema for episode 1: Homeric link/Lien avec Homer: Telemachus/Télémaque Time/Heure: 8 a.m. Place/Lieu: Martello Tower Color: white, gold/blanc, or Body part/partie du corps: none/aucun Art: Theology Symbol: Heir/héritier When Ulysses begins, it [...]

The Shapely Shape of  »Ulysses »

By |décembre 13th, 2006|Categories: Art et Zen|

The narrative of Ulysses is laid out in 18 episodes, which are then divided into three parts: I. The first three episodes are devoted to Stephen Dedalus, who represents the intellect, the spiritual, the world [...]


By |décembre 13th, 2006|Categories: Liens| Wild Flower Zen Sangha's Web site Wild Flower Zen Sangha (Portugal) Dana Sangha, center of Catherine Genno Pagès Roshi, Amy Sensei's teacher White Plum Asangha Webzine featuring poetry, fiction/nonfiction, reviews, [...]

Joyce’s at-onement adventure

By |décembre 12th, 2006|Categories: Art et Zen|

Joyce’s Ulysses, like Homer’s Odyssey or Dante’s Divine Comedy, can be read as an “allegory of the wanderings of the soul,” a voyage along the path of awakening. In Joyce’s tale, life is an infinitely [...]

What word?/Quel mot?

By |décembre 5th, 2006|Categories: Art et Zen|

"What is that word known to all men? I am quiet here alone. Sad too. Touch, touch me." --- James Joyce, "Ulysses" "Quel est ce mot connu de tous les hommes? Je suis tranquille ici [...]

novembre 2006

L’essence de la voie, c’est “oui”

By |novembre 29th, 2006|Categories: Textes|

(English translation in progress) extrait du discours, Bodhidharma’s Wake-Up Sermon fait à Montreuil, le 30 décembre 2005 par Amy Hollowell Sensei Récemment, j’étais au cirque avec mon fils et mon mari. Il y avait beaucoup [...]

One Word

By |novembre 24th, 2006|Categories: Textes|

A monk asked, "What is the one word?" Joshu said, "If you hold on to one word, it will make an old man of you." --- The Recorded Sayings of Zen Master Joshu (Altamira Press, [...]

Cease to strive/Cesse de lutter

By |novembre 21st, 2006|Categories: Art et Zen|

"Kind air defined the coigns of houses in Kildare street. No birds. Frail from the housetops two plumes of smoke ascended, pluming, and in a flaw of softness softly were blown. Cease to strive. Peace [...]

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